We recently took some time to profile one of our newest Distributors: Theraquatics. While they are new to us, they have been in business a long time and ship their products all over the world. Here are some questions we asked them:
1. What is the name of your store?
Theraquatics – We supply aquatic exercise and therapy equipment for the physical therapy market. Our customers could be learning to swim, using the pool for exercise benefits, or high-level athletes in training or recovery. Our customers are all ages, and from all over the world.
2. What is the web link to your store?
Website: www.theraquatics.com
We also have a fan page on Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Theraquatics/180963120837
3. Are you brick and mortar or online or both?
Our products are detailed and warehoused in Montgomery, Alabama. We are predominantly online, but have a showroom for “local” customers. We also have a sister store in Brisbane, Australia that does all Theraquatic’s float design and supply’s Oceania and parts of Europe!
Editor’s note: Oceana is a region in the Pacific Ocean. Sounds like a great place to do swim therapy!
4. How long have you been carrying GaryWear Active Briefs?
We started carrying the GaryWear Active Brief a few months ago, when the pant was first released. We were excited about the launch of this particular item as we felt it offered both a discreet and slim-fitting option for our more active customers.
5. Do you ship to countries other than your own?
We ship worldwide. Our website can take US and Canadian orders, other countries can either purchase through our ebay store (ships everywhere imaginable) or alternatively call or email us for door to door shipping.
6. What are your customers saying about GaryWear Active Briefs?
So far we have had a lot of the “wow” factor – which is always great to hear. Our number one comment goes something like, “Great pants! They really do breathe yet are waterproof. A+.” We already have a lot of repeat buyers who were obviously pleased with the first pair that they purchased.
7. What are your other top sellers?
We sell a lot of water fitness equipment, so heading into summer our foam water dumbbells, water running belts, kickboards and any products that fit into the learn to swim category, are always popular.
Year round we have strong sales in all our therapy and rehab equipment as well as in our extensive range of incontinence pants (both waterproof and daywear varieties).
8. What would you like us to know about your store or your product line, or?
In a nutshell we aim to provide innovative, quality, value for money aquatic fitness equipment. We design, manufacture, and market our own equipment and we ship worldwide. Put simply, we like to think that we make people’s lives better through water.
9. What is one thing your customers love about your store?
We have a straight forward store which is easy to navigate and to purchase from. We have in depth descriptions, lots of YouTube instructional “how to” type videos and we ship all orders within 24 hours of placement. We also stand behind anything that we sell, so if there is a problem, we fix it.
10. Do you have any current offers for customers?
We are in the middle of our summer 2012 mail-out campaign. When checking out use the coupon code “WATER” to receive 5% off any purchase (no minimum amount required). The coupon will run until 9/13/2012.
Editor’s Note: we are really pleased Theraquatics is offering our Active Briefs. If you would like to get on their mailing list for special offers, definitely keep in touch with them, and sign up! And of course, you may purchase our Active Briefs from their online store. It’s great to know they ship within 24 hours of placing an order.